Your Local Florist in Winchester & Beacon Hill Boston

Your Neighborhood Florist since 1981. Delivery throughout Downtown & Greater Boston with Beacon Hill & Winchester Shops

plant delivery

Pencil Cactus

Sean MurphyComment

One of our favorite houseplants recently is the pencil cactus. Perfect for someone who may travel a lot, these structural plants need very infrequent watering, about once every 3-4 weeks. They do enjoy a ton of sunlight, which can be tough in these Boston apartments, but will appreciate as much as you can give them. 


Pink Plant?

Sean MurphyComment

We all know that plants typically come in shades of green, but have you ever seen a pink one? We recently got a variety called Stromanthe (stroh-man-thee) in the shop that are beautiful different shades of pink. Their lower leaves are a more vibrant, bright pink, while their upper leaves are more of a pale shade. 

An extremely unique plant, they add a perfect pop of unexpected color in any room! They are also the perfect plant for your city apartment - they do not like any direct sunlight. Keep the soil evenly moist, watering well about once a week. Keep in a very bright room. If you see spotty leaves, limit sun exposure. 

We have them in the shop in 4" and 6" grow pots. Be sure to come by and get one before they're gone!